The Mindrolling International Sangha Celebrates the Birthday of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

On August 19th, 2021, the Mindrolling International sangha celebrated the birthday of our peerless guru, Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. The monks of Mindrolling Monastery, nuns of Samten Tse Retreat Center and practitioners around the world celebrated with a day of offerings and practice. Mindrolling Monastery, Samten Tse Retreat Center and the Mindrolling International centers joyfully made vast mandala offerings to Rinpoche dedicated to Rinpoche’s long life and the flourishing of Rinpoche’s activities. All joined in the aspiration that through Rinpoche’s continued teachings and activities, the dharma will continue to flourish and benefit beings in this world.

At Minling Pema Gatsal in Virginia, USA, the offerings and practice were led by Minling Jetsün Rinpoche and Minling Dungse Rinpoche. We hope that all will join us in dedicating all the merit that has been gathered so that the Mindrolling lineage will continue to remain for the flourishing of dharma and benefit of all beings.