Lotus Garden’s Changing Landscape

Blessing the Temple Site at Lotus Garden

On the joyful and auspicious day of August 2nd, at the request of Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, HE Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, with great kindness, led the sangha in a blessing ceremony for the future temple site.

During the Lotus Garden inauguration in 2005 an elevated area encircled by mountains had been chosen as the site for the future temple. HE Khocchen Rinpoche, who was present with a group of Mindrolling monks, performed a fire puja ceremony at the site thus sealing the aspiration to raise a temple at that location. In the years which followed, many teachers have blessed the site and many practices have been performed there, including the annual Minling Dorsem drubchö held to purify and bless the site.

Because of the sangha’s great response to this project, Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche has requested that construction for the new temple begin in October 2015.

It is Rinpoche’s vision that the completed temple be surrounded by a sloping landscape–a four tiered garden—to be named Garden of the Four Immeasurables–loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity.