
Due to the Covid-19 virus, temple construction has slowed during the first half 2020, but work is moving forward, steadily building on the extraordinary accomplishments of 2019.

The team of skilled stone-masons, which began work in 2018, is putting the final stones into place on the temple’s exterior walls. Installation of ceramic roof tiles, which arrived from Japan in early 2018, is nearing completion as roofers are now installing finials and other decorative ornaments. This past year saw a rapidly increasing pace as heating and cooling system has been installed, along with electrical infrastructure, metal stairs fabricated to code have been installed, the elevator has been installed and operational. Drywall has been installed and spackled in the second floor rooms and painting has begun.

In 2018 we were inspired by seeing photos and video of fabrication of door frames and ornamentation taking place at Mindrolling Monastery. In August and September 2019 were also awed and inspired by truckloads of sacred cargo arriving at the temple from having traveled to India. This art and ornamentation will be shipped to Lotus Garden for installation as it is completed.

The excellent new broadband system installed across the land in 2018, will provide the live and on-demand streaming of Rinpoche’s teachings from Lotus Garden to the world.

Construction Updates

View of temple, November 2018
View of temple, November 2018

Art and Ornamentation

Ornaments being fabricated in India
Ornaments being fabricated in India

Looking Ahead…

The completion of the magnificent Mindrol Gatsal is within striking-distance, but years remain to complete aspects of the project. We welcome your generous offerings so that this work may continue without interruption. All donations are tax-deductible.

Mindrolling Charitable Society (MCS) is registered as a private non-profit organization in the United States. It is managed by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Jetsün Dechen Paldrön and a Board of Directors. All donations go to the support of Mindrolling Charitable Projects/Mindrolling International and are tax-deductible.