Resting In the Nature of Mind

The 2018 Vajrayana Retreat at Lotus Garden was a rainy one. Day after day, practitioners trudged cheerfully through rain showers and mud-puddles to the main shrine room where Rinpoche then bestowed a virtual downpour of teachings.

The Vajrayana Retreat is always a precious opportunity to strengthen and actualize one’s vajrayana practice life. The 2018 retreat presented both the opportunity for senior students to continue to deepen their understanding and commitment to their practice paths and for newer students to enter a new cycle of vajrayana teachings.

In the initial part of the program, Introduction to Vajrayana, Rinpoche taught on the skillful means of the Creation and Completion practices, followed by the bestowal of profound oral instructions on the Self-Liberation of the Mind based on the heart instructions of great Vajrayana masters of the past.

During the second section of this retreat, Rinpoche contined to bestow teachings on Yeshe Lama—The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection in the context of the chö gar (dharma encampment).

During the Vajrayana Retreat, Lotus Garden observed its 15th Anniversary. (Lotus Garden was established on July 3, 2013). The sangha celebrated by undertaking a Riwo Sangchod purification practice in the morning, then, after a delicious luncheon and sharing of memories, everyone traveled to a Harrisonburg bowling center for a fun-filled afternoon.

Also of Interest:
Introduction to Vajrayana: Review and Retreat (December 27-January 1)


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