The Heart of the Vajrayana Path

Ngondro Practice - Mandala

Practice is not difficult.
It is going against samsara that is difficult.

—Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

During the final days of the Mindrol Lekshey Retreat, August 28 through September 2, Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche began a new cycle of teachings on the Ati Zabdön Ngöndro – the preliminary practices of the Vajrayana and considered the very foundation of the practice path. Since the view and structure of all ngöndros are basically the same, students from other traditions were able to benefit equally from Rinpoche’s clear and straightforward instructions. There is a lot to understand about ngöndro, which unfolds for practitioners in personal and unique ways. Rinpoche and Mindrolling Jetsün Dechen Paldron were available throughout the program to address each student’s concerns with kindness, patience and good humor. In the coming years, Rinpoche’s cycle of teachings on the fundamental ngöndro instructions will certainly continue to provide support and inspiration to all ngöndro students – those just beginning and those firmly walking firmly on the path of practice.

©2019 Pema Gatsal | Mindrolling International