Summer Projects That Improve and Uplift

Under the guidance of Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Mindrolling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, Mindrolling Lotus Garden residents have been working for months on several ambitious projects. Renovation of the trailer which houses residents, re-surfacing of roads, new (and dry) tents areas, a deep-cleaning of the shrine room, and clearing of brush are just a few of the many projects already completed. During three weekends in June and July, the residents were joined by sangha members who traveled to Lotus Garden to offer their very enthusiastic and indispensable assistance in readying the buildings and land for Rinpoche’s arrival and the upcoming programs. At the same time, the Dekyi Gatsal roof was being replaced by the same group of expert roofers who have been installing the temple roof tiles. During the Mindrol Lekshey, students engaged in Karma Yoga. They have cleaned and organized the workshop and tractor shed and continue with the replacement of siding and windows on the Dekyi Gatsal Guest House.

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