In the Luminous Mandala of Mind and Wisdom

Through a combination of studying, contemplating,
And meditating on the mandala of perfect wisdom,
The self-occurring and all-fulfilling are spontaneously present.

The Tantra of the Secret Essence

In July, for the third consecutive year, Mindrolling Lotus Garden was honored by the presence of His Eminence Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, who most graciously and kindly bestowed the Sangha with his great love and trust by continuing his cycle of teachings on the most profound and sacred Guhyagarbhatantra. Guhyagarbhatantra is known as the king of all tantras–the very essence of all sacred Vajrayana practices.  These transmissions, being given by Rinpoche in a ten-year cycle, is a  precious and incalculably fortunate opportunity for a practitioner and entails the commitment to receive the entire cycle from the beginning to the end.

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