The Deepening of Understanding and Commitment

There are two ways to practice.
One is to dwell on the skin you shed,
the other is on that which is revealed.

—Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

The Vajrayana Retreat, September 12 through 29th, led by Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche was a opportunity for senior students to deepen their understanding and commitment to their practice paths; and for newer students to be able to enter into the vajrayana teachings.

During the first section of the retreat, open to both new and older students, Rinpoche taught on the skillful means of the Creation and Completion practices of the vajrayana, followed by the bestowal of profound oral instructions on the Self Liberation of the Mind based on the heart instructions of great Vajrayana masters of the past. During the retreat, Rinpoche led the sangha in a Guru Yoga Feast practice.

During the second week of the retreat, Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche continued to bestow teachings on the Yeshe Lama in the context of the chö gar (dharma encampment). Students who had received the transmissions, teachings and practices of the Yeshe Lama and/or Six Yogas attended this retreat. Over a period of days, Rinpoche also bestowed the empowerments and blessings of the Rigpa’i Salwang to the gathered assembly.

At the conclusion of the Vajrayana Retreat, the entire Vajrayana sangha came together for a three-day Troma Nagmo (Black Vajrayogini) drubchö, a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the authentic and renowned ritual tradition of the Mindrolling lineage. The drubchö was led by the chief umdze of Mindrolling, Venerable Tulku Ngawang Jigdral Kunga Rinpoche, along with Khenpo Namdrol Gyatso la and Venerable Sonam Tobgay la. It is thought that tremendous benefit and merit arise from the collective practice of a drubchö for each practitioner in particular, and all sentient beings in general.