Minling Lotus Garden 2023 Teaching and Retreat Schedule

Minling Lotus Garden is happy to announce the upcoming schedule of teachings and retreats for 2023.  Our sangha is incredibly blessed to have many wonderful teachings and retreats in the coming months. Under the guidance of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, this schedule of teachings, study, and practice ensures a continuous and in-depth path of study and practice for practitioners.  The coming months’ schedule will give all sangha members the framework for continuously engaging in the three wisdoms of hearing, contemplating, and meditating, which is crucial to actualizing and accomplishing the profound path of dharma. 

Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend Part 4

August 25th-27th, September 1st-3rd, 2023, and September 8th-10th, 2023

Dharmashri Online Portal Program

Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche bestows the fourth part of this detailed commentary on the precious text of Arya Nagarjuna, The Letter to a Friend.  This series of online teachings will take place over three weekends and will include live review sessions over Zoom.  This program is open to students who have completed parts one through three of this cycle of teachings on the Dharmashri Online Portal. 

Online Review of the Minling Lotus Garden Vajrayana Retreat 2022

September 15th to October 15th, 2023

Dharmashri Online Portal Program

In this online program, students will review the teachings bestowed by Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche from the Vajrayana Retreat 2022 at Minling Lotus Garden.  The focus of this review will be on the series of teachings bestowed during the Practice Intensive and Vajrayana I portions of the retreat.  This review is a pre-requisite to attend the Vajrayana Retreat 2023 at Minling Lotus Garden.  Students who attended last year’s Vajrayana Retreat and wish to attend this year’s Vajrayana Retreat should plan to review last year’s teachings on the Dharmashri Online Portal during this time. 

New students who wish to attend this year’s Vajrayana Retreat 2023 at Lotus Garden will need to apply for and complete this program in order to attend the Vajrayana Retreat 2023 at Lotus Garden.

Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche: Vajrayana Retreat 2023

October 29th to December 10th, 2023

In-Person Retreat at Minling Lotus Garden

Minling Lotus Garden is delighted to announce the dates of the Vajrayana Retreat 2023. Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche will bestow profound and vast teachings and instructions to the sangha of Lotus Garden during this 44-day retreat.  Rinpoche will continue the cycles of teachings that were bestowed at last year’s Vajrayana Retreat, including the Practice Intensive and Vajrayana I, and it is strongly encouraged that students make the effort to attend the entire retreat.  Vajrayana Retreat 2023 has 3 sections: Vajrayana I, Vajrayana II and The Great Chariot Part 7.

This retreat is a rare opportunity to study, practice, and train one’s body, speech, and mind under the close guidance of an accomplished Dharma Master.  We hope that everyone will seize this incredibly precious opportunity and through the blessings of the Guru, may it strengthen our path of training and accomplishment for the benefit of all sentient beings.    

  • Part 1: Vajrayana I – October 29th to November 19th, 2023

Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche continues the cycle of teachings on the Uncommon Preliminaries of Dzogpa Chenpo from last year’s Practice Intensive and teachings on Creation and Completion. Rinpoche will also continue to bestow profound teachings on the Vajrakilaya sadhana, beginning with the ganachakra section.  This program unites and continues both the Practice Intensive and Vajrayana I teachings from last year. 

All students who wish to attend the Vajrayana I in 2023 must review the teachings of the Practice Intensive and Vajrayana I from 2022 during the online review program in September and October.  Students who attended only the Practice Intensive or only the Vajrayana I last year will need to study the teachings from both programs in order to be fully prepared to attend the Vajrayana I program in 2023. 

Students who did not attend the Vajrayana Retreat in 2022 and who wish to join this year, may request and apply to join the online review that will happen from September 15th to October 22nd, 2023.

  • Part 2: Vajrayana II – November 20th – 30th, 2023

This portion of the retreat is primarily for students who have been studying the Yeshe Lama teachings in previous years.  In the coming years, the Vajrayana I and Vajrayana II sections of the retreat will be merged into one program, and in keeping with this vision, students who attend the Vajrayana I this year will be eligible to stay on and join Vajrayana II this year.

  • Part 3: The Great Chariot – Part 7 – December 1st – 10th, 2023

Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche will continue the cycle of teachings on The Great Chariot, A Commentary on Relaxing in the Nature of Mind of the Great Perfection, by the incomparable master Longchen Rabjam. Part 7 will continue with the Karma Chapter word-by-word commentary by Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. The teachings bestowed by Rinpoche during this program will become the Great Chariot Online Program Part 7 for the wider sangha on the Dharmashri Online Portal at a later date. This series of teachings is open to students who have completed Parts 1-6 on the Dharmashri Online Portal.

For any questions, please email registrations@lotusgardens.org.