Opening the Great Treasury

For each of the past four years, the Mindrol Lekshey Summer Program at Lotus Garden has successfully provided the framework envisioned by Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche,  enabling students to study the traditional theoretical and philosophical texts, to train in the skillful means and rituals of the Mindrolling lineage, and to bring the richness and guiding principles of the Buddhadharma into daily life. Again in 2018, we were particularly blessed by the gathering of the sangha for these precious teachings and the blessings of the presence at Lotus Garden of our wonderful teachers.

Natural Ease | Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

In July 2018, Mindrol Lekshey began with the cycle of teachings entitled ‘Natural Ease’ which H.E. Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche began last year as a means for all levels of students to join together to receive the blessings of the wisdom teachings of the great master, Longchen Rabjam–his classic commentary, The Great Chariot, on how to rest the mind in natural ease. He composed this text “so that its readers could cross completely the ocean of sufferings of samsara to the fruition of Buddhahood.” With the guidance of Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, all practitioners, including those entering the path of practice, found great benefit from these teachings.

Guhyagarbha | His Eminence Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

In July, the Lotus Garden sangha was once again honored by the presence of His Eminence Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and for his continuation of the most profound and sacred Guhyagarbha teachings. These transmissions, being bestowed in a ten-year cycle, are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for practitioners and entail the commitment to receive the entire cycle from the beginning to the end.

Dr. Tsewang Rigzin | Tibetan Medicine

Lotus Garden was pleased to include a special program entitled – ‘Understanding Your Body, Understanding Your Mind’, a series of lectures and discussions with Dr. Tsewang Rigzin, chief physician of the Men-Tsee-Khang Tibetan Medicine Clinic at Mindrolling Monastery in India. Dr. Tsewang Rigzin brought his many years of experience, a rich blend of understanding of the eastern approach to health and well-being combined with much experience of working with the nuanced needs of western minds. Over the course of this program, participants learned more about Tibetan medicine and received practical instruction on understanding of body in relation to mind. Many scheduled personal consultations with Em-chee during his residency.

Language and Ritual Study | Senior Monks of Mindrolling

The Summer retreat continued with four lively weeks of instruction, practice and study with the senior monks of Mindrolling – Ven. Choktrul Ngawang Jigdral Rinpoche, the chief umdze of Mindrolling Monastery, Ven. Khenpo Namdrol Gyatso, Ven. Lama Thrinley Gyaltsen, guided by Minling Jets&uujml;n Dechen Paldron. These kind and generous teachers, tremendously skilled and knowledgeable in the rituals of Mindrolling Monastery, led practitioners in a month of ritual and liturgy study. Emphasis was on the yidam principle of the Three Roots, thus students trained intensively in all aspects of the Vajrasattva (Minling Dorsem) sadhana, the essence of the yidam principle. Students also learned Tibetan grammar, recitation; ritual melodies; torma making; the playing of liturgical instruments and melodies, shrine preparation and other aspects of the Vajrasattva sadhana practice.

©2018-19 Mindrolling International