Lotus Garden Online Ngöndro Weekend and Vajra Guru Accumulation

Guru Rinpoche

This month on the 10th lunar day, we celebrated the spontaneous arising of Guru Rinpoche, the Lotus Born, who came to this world with his inconceivable realization and activities.  During the first ten days of the month, the Mindrolling International sangha accumulated the Vajra guru mantra supplicating Guru Rinpoche to bless this world and dispel all obstacles during these challenging times.  Altogether over ten days, the worldwide sangha from over 21 countries accumulated over 5 million Vajra Guru mantras.  We hope everyone will join us in rejoicing in such a wonderful accumulation of merit and may it dispel all obstacles and a cause for all good circumstances to flourish. 

Minling Dorsem Lineage Tree

We are also so happy to report that over the weekend of June 18th to 20th, over 100 students attended the first online program hosted from Lotus Garden.  Under the guidance of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, the Ngöndro Practice Weekend was taught by the Lotus Garden resident Lopöns Barbara Ryan and Helen Berliner.  Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche bestowed a wonderful, profound teaching to all the gathered students over zoom. Inspiring new and seasoned ngöndro practitioners to engage completely in these profound practices, Rinpoche elucidated the view of each of the ngöndro practices and gave practice advice for students to be able to fully and correctly engage in the ngöndro practices to deepen and strengthen their path of Dharma.

Lopön Barbara Ryan and Lopön Helen Berliner kindly and graciously taught and guided students on the ngöndro practices through the weekend.  The Lopöns taught students the view of each of the four inner preliminaries and gave the details of how to do each of the practices. Each evening students had sessions in which they were able to ask questions and clarify any doubts and confusion about the practices.

On Sunday, the 10th lunar day of the 5th lunar month and anniversary of Guru Rinpoche’s spontaneous birth from the lotus, sangha members from around the world practiced the Rigdzin Thughthig sadhana together following the livestream from Lotus Garden.  It was wonderful for so many from the Lotus Garden and Mindrolling International sanghas to be able to come together to practice the profound sadhana and offer ganacakra on this most auspicious of days. 

We hope that whether beginning ngöndro or continuing it, all students will truly practice and perfect the path of purification and accumulations of merit.  May we all continue to supplicate Guru Rinpoche and receive his blessings to dispel obstacles and nurture our practice paths so that the supreme wisdom of dharma may dawn.