Looking Ahead to the Coming Months

Given the uncertain world situation with the COVID–19 virus, Mindrolling Lotus Garden has been evaluating how to proceed for the coming months.  This crisis has upset everyone’s plans for the year and is a good reminder of the truth of impermanence and a spur to redouble our efforts on the path.

Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche is personally devising a curriculum for the sangha to follow for the summer.  It will be a whole summer’s schedule of studies and practice to provide a continuity for the whole sangha.  This will most likely be in the form of online programming to review past teachings and present new content.  Online teachings cannot replace in-person teachings, but all the tools available will be used to make the best of the current situation.  Lotus Garden is developing a new online system for all sangha members to follow the curriculum online. As these programs and online systems are finalized, we will be in touch with the details.To address the need for direct communication and establish an outreach effort within the sangha, Rinpoche, Jetsunla, Lotus Garden teachers and the Deleg (Happiness and Well-Being) Support Team will hold Zoom meetings with some sangha members who may need support during these difficult times. This effort will begin on May 20, 2020, and more details will be made available to study group leaders as the program progresses.The Office of Practice and Study will hold regular office hours to answer and address questions from the sangha regarding practice. This will be a way to maintain a connection with the sangha and provide practice support and guidance in your meditation. More information about how this will work will also be provided soon.We have received questions about the possibility of holding programs in person this Fall and in the Winter months and postponing our summer programs to the Fall or Winter.  The Lotus Garden Admin team has been discussing this and right now, it is too early to know if this will be possible. We will keep everyone up to date as the situation becomes clearer.

We hope this information is helpful to you and answers some of the concerns you may have.  As a sangha we should all make efforts to support each other during these difficult times.  Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Practice and Study at practiceandstudy@lotusgardens.org with any questions you have.  We will be in touch with more details soon.

As a sangha, we have all gotten used to the summer schedule at Lotus Garden for the past 17 years. However, looking ahead and keeping everyone’s well-being in mind, we will not be able to hold in-person summer programs this year at Lotus Garden. However, Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche has said that it is of utmost importance for every sangha member to make the effort to overcome these obstacles and continue to deepen one’s dharma path with a continuity of practice and study.