Tibetan Language and Ritual Instruction with the Mindrolling Monks

Khenpo Namdrol Gyatso la during Tibetan grammar class.
Khenpo Namdrol Gyatso la during Tibetan grammar class.
Lotus Garden welcomed back the monks of Mindrolling – Ven. Choktrul Ngawang Jigdral Rinpoche, the chief umdze of Mindrolling Monastery, Ven. Khenpo Namdrol Gyatso, and Ven. Lopon Thrinley Gyaltsen These teachers are tremendously skilled and knowledgeable in the rituals of Mindrolling Monastery and, under the guidance of H.E. Jetsün Dechen Paldrön, have been leading students in a month of ritual and liturgy study with emphasis on the yidam principle of the Three Roots.

This year sangha members are training intensively in all aspects of the Vajrasattva sadhana, the essence of the yidam principle. Classes, held throughout the day, include Tibetan grammar, calligraphy and recitation; ritual melodies; torma making; mudras; the playing of liturgical instruments and melodies; shrine preparation and various other aspects of sadhana practice.

It is H.E. Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche’s vision that sangha members will one day accomplish a complete drubchen (multi-day sadhana practice) in accordance with the renowned and profound tradition of Mindrolling.