Establishing Mindrolling in the West

Stories from 2019

Precious Cargo Arrives from India

With immense joy, Lotus Garden received door frames, roof ornaments and shrine statues which will adorn the new temple, Mindrol Gatsal.

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The Deepening of Understanding and Commitment

During the Vajrayana Retreat, Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche bestowed profound teachings and empowerments to the gathered assembly.

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The Heart of the Vajrayana Path

During the final days of the Mindrol Lekshey Retreat, Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche began a new cycle of teachings on the Ati Zabdön Ngöndro – the preliminary practices of the Vajrayana.

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HE Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche with Statue of Terdag Lingpa
What is Mindrolling?

Mindrolling is not so much a place. Mindrolling is about your mind.
—Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

Crossing the Ocean of Suffering to Buddhahood

H.E. Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche continued bestowing teachings on Rabjam Longchenpa’s The Great Chariot.

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In the Luminous Mandala of Mind and Wisdom

The sangha was delighted to welcome H.E. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche who continued with teachings on the profound Guhyagarbhatantra.

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Hope and Inspiration for the Future of Mindrolling

On Dungse Rinpoche’s 5th birthday, the entire day was marked by prayers and celebration.

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Training in the Renowned Traditions of Mindrolling

Teachers and students kept up a busy schedule of language and ritual classes – Tibetan language and reading, instruments, shrine, torma, grammar and liturgy review.

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Reaching Critical Milestones at Mindrol Gatsal

Construction has continued steadily. Door frames, ornaments and statues, which have been en route from India by sea, have arrived at customs in the Port of New Jersey. Delivery is expected here at Lotus Garden in the coming days.

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Summer Projects That Improve and Uplift

One building was pink for a few days and many roads were re-surfaced. Re-siding of two buildings has been underway.

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These links will transport you to the Mindrolling Monastery website.

Founders of Mindrolling
Founders of Mindrolling
Mindrolling in India - The Early Days
Mindrolling in India – The Early Days
Mindrolling Through Fifty Years
Mindrolling Through Fifty Years
Mindrolling Today
Mindrolling Today

As of 29 November 2019 this collection of stories  has been viewed 37,986 times. The counter was re-set on 30 November.