Celebrating the Birthday of Minling Dungse Rinpoche

On July 28th, 2021, the entire Mindrolling sangha celebrated the birthday of Minling Dungse Rinpoche.  Mindrolling Monastery and the branch Mindrolling Monasteries in Lava, Kalimpong and Sikkim, Samten Tse Retreat Center and Minling Pema Gatsal all began the day with the traditional mandala offering and extensive prayers for the long lives of Minling Dungse Rinpoche and Minling Jetsün Rinpoche.  To mark the auspicious occasion, distribution of monetary donations, clothing, food, and basic needs was made to the entire community.  The entire Mindrolling Sangha makes heartfelt aspirations for the long life of the two Rinpoches and the continued flourishing of the dharma throughout the world.